Dating is stressful enough, but when you are large or “plus size” it can be so much harder. Plus size people worry about every single aspect when it comes to dating. Of course, their size is the first and main thing that enters his or her mind. What is their date going to think-what is the first impression going to be like?

It is up to you to present yourself in such a way that your new date is going to want to get to know you better. Of course, the initial meeting is going to be a bit awkward, but remember, your date is going to feel the same way. Smile, introduce yourself, shake hands if you so incline, and start off with polite chit chat. Ask questions about his or her interests and really pay attention to what is being said. You certainly don’t want him or her to think they are boring you to death!

Be honest about yourself when it is your turn to talk. Don’t try to over inflate your self image by pretending to be something you aren’t. Chances are it will come back to haunt you if you start out on a lie. You are who you are, so be frank and open about your life, your work, your expectations and your interests. You should expect the same from your date.

Plus size dating should not be any more stressful than any other type of date, but unfortunately many overweight people tend to make it so just because they worry about their appearance, or rather, what the other person may think. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Have a positive attitude and go on your date expecting to have a good time.

It truly is a shame that plus size people think they have to worry so much about whether someone will like them. They have the same feelings, the same sense of humor, the very same ideals as anyone else yet they stress and worry over the impression they make because of their size. They may also be worrying over nothing, but they can’t seem to get the idea out of their head that they are somehow inferior to slender people.

Plus size people-just be yourself! Not everyone is going to like you just like you won’t care for everyone you meet! Relax, and see how it goes. Give the other person the benefit of the doubt-he or she just may turn out to be someone who wants to spend more time with you, and you with him or her. You won’t know unless you put yourself out there and try.

Find someone you can talk to about your dating concerns. If you have a plus size friend who seems to be a social butterfly ask for their advice about overcoming your worries about dating. Find out what they do and learn from their experience. Dating should be fun, not stressful and the sooner you figure that out the better time you will have when you go out!

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